Karina Lanting

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...on launching a podcast with Tara Voshell

Meet Tara

Tara Voshell left her 9 to 5 world to pursue all things podcasting! She is a podcast editor and launching consultant for new shows. When not working with amazing clients, she can be found talking about all things true crime and paranormal over at 3 Spooked Girls.

Find Tara on her website www.spookedgirlproductions.com

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...about launching a podcast with Tara Voshell Karina Talks Too Much

Have you ever toyed with the idea of launching a podcast?

What’s stopped you?

For me, it was lack of confidence and overwhelm. I didn’t know where to start because there are many moving pieces, and I wasn’t confident in what I wanted to call it because of feedback I received.

Newsflash people don’t just like it, the LOVE the name.

I wish I could have that time back now, but it doesn’t matter because the point is I started. And you can too, without much experience or equipment.

In our episode, Tara and talk about starting a podcast on the cheap and how to reach your target audience.

Here is a rundown of some of the tips Tara shared:

  • for hosting, use Podbean for free

  • for editing, use Audible for free

  • SEO tips include:

    • collaborations with similar podcasters

    • creating a blog post themed around episode

    • hashtag usage.

    • social media shares (Instagram & Twitter specifically)

With only those two sites you can be up and running, sounding semi-professional with just your iPhone earbuds as a microphone. Investing in expensive equipment right away is never a good idea. Get your sea-legs first and see if it’s even a medium you want to try out. You may decide you like video format better and switch channels altogether.

Whatever you choose, my best piece of advice is just to simply start. Wherever you are, with whatever idea you can’t stop talking about. The details will figure themselves out as you go, and newsflash! Everyone’s first episodes suck (except mine! JK… [insert Sara’s face when I told her she’s the first podcast guest: 😳] ).

I decided to use GarageBand for editing and recording my plug-in’s; use skype to connect with guests and record our episode and trello to keep it all manageable. If you really want to dive into my process, pick up this trello board; it’s set up to keep track of the workflow of an episode/show.

You no longer have any other excuses I am willing to hear. Now go out and let your brilliance shine, and be sure to leave a link back to your new podcast in the comments below!


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